Tuesday, November 13, 2018


#mehchecoussa #naturallyglutenfree #naturallydairyfree #allergenfriendlyfood #allergenfree #stuffedzucchini  #justaskhowitsdone #howtheymarinatethemmatters #whatsthesuffing  NORMAL INGREDIENTS : zucchini, Rice, minced beef , mint - empty the zucchini inside them stuff them and place them in the pan - mix the zucchini pulp u got from emptying them with tomato sauce, salt and mint to taste (some people put maggi cubes but those contain harmful ingredients and allergen so be cautious) - add the sauce on the stuffed zucchini - boil and simmer until when soft #allergyfriendlyrecipe #allergyfriendlyfoodblogger #allergyfriendlyfood #allergenfreecooking #kidsapprovedmeal #mediterraneandiet

Monday, November 12, 2018

Nora’s artichoke


1 bag of Artichoke hearts whole
3 medium potatoes cut in cubes
1/2kg beef tenderloin cut in stripes
2 large onions cut in large slices
6 cloves garlic mashed
1 table spoon of vegetable oil
White pepper & himalayan salt to taste
Water to cover
2 pressed lemons

Serve with steamed white rice

Fry the onions until tranparent in the oily pan
Add the beef on medium heat until brown
Add the potatoes
Cover with water
Boil for 10 minutes
Add the artichoke 
Add the garlic & spices 
Simmer until potatoes & artichokes are soft
Turn off the fire and add the lemon juice

Ingrédients : 

1 pasuet de coeurs d’artichauts
3 patates moyennes coupees en cubes
1/2kg filet de boeuf coupé en lamelles
2 gros ognions coupés grossièrement 
6 gousses d’ail écrasés
1 grande cuillerée d’huile végétale 
Poivre blanc & sel rose de l’himalaya selon le goût 
De l’eau pour couvrir 
2 citrons pressés 

Servir accompagné de riz blanc 

Frire les oignons dans une casserole huilée jusqu’à ce qu’ils soient transparents 
Ajouter le boeuf a feu moyen jusqu’à ce qu’il soit plutot cuit
Ajouter les patates
Couvrir d’eau
Bouillir pour 10 minutes
Ajouter les fonds d’artichauts
Ajouter l’ail écrasé et salez et poivrez 
Cuire jusqu’à ce que les patates et artichauts soient tendres
Eteindre le feu et ajouter le jus de citron